This section of the forum is reserved for the creative process of being an affiliate. Almost all strategies involve some kind of design element or written content that needs to be produced.
Creating a post in this section can have one of the following purposes:
1. Getting Feedback on your Work
If you want to gather feedback on your designs, written content or website setup, please create a new post and share as much context as possible. Often the question is more about whether your design fits your strategy rather than how beautiful it is. Let the community know what the purpose of your shared work is.
Keep the community up to date about the latest version - so that everyone is on the same page. Best practice is to edit your article to upload the updated work/link. Some written hints about what part of the feedback has been implemented will help too.
Changes made (August 4):
Updated background colour
Reduced contrast
2. Making Your Work Public
Helping each other out benefits everyone. If you want to make your work usable for everyone, please upload/share your work and confirm that it can be used publicly.
3. Offer Your Services
If you are a copywriter, designer, web-designer or have any other talent that may be useful to others, please create a post and share information about your service. Please make sure to include the following info:
What services do you offer?
Do you offer them for free? If not, please define a price range.
Contact data
If the real price does not match the announced price range, the post will be taken down and the user will be restricted.