I found a service where I can broadcast video's in the street for people walking by. The video should be around 6 between 12 seconds. Anyone know of a cheap/free program that is easy to learn how to use to make such a short video? I will teach myself how to make such a video with it then and test this marketing idea with it.
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I hope that you've made this video now, and it was a success. If you need help, my dissertation writing services colleagues will be more than happy when I share this video with them.
Have you looked for a freelancer? Some are really worth their money. Here is one platform, which I have not tried myself though:
There are other freelancer platforms too. If you get a good video for e.g. $50, that could be worth the money.
Make sure to always check their past work and to not spend too much. From what I know, a higher price does not always mean a better result.
Brilliant idea Kris! Have a look at https://spark.adobe.com/make/video-maker/
It says it's free!